Welcome - Amanda Ditty
Welcome Amanda Ditty - Learn Something New This is a project I’m very proud of. I’ve never done anything like this before in my life and I am so glad I did. As a person who has never really “taken a side” or had strong feelings about any popular or controversial topic, I have always been terrified to her what people have to say. What if they say something offensive? What if they say something that I agree with and those who are close and who I love don’t agree with it? What if I say something offensive? There is always “What if’s” running crazy through my brain, so much so that I could never even try to speak up if a conversation did start. I have learned something in my 21 years of life and that is, you never grow if you cover yourself with like-minded people. I’ve gained friendships I never thought I would have, and they have blessed me and enlightened me to become a better person. I wanted to make this project about “Learn Something New”, you can’t learn something new if...