Welcome - Amanda Ditty


Amanda Ditty - Learn Something New

This is a project I’m very proud of. I’ve never done anything like this before in my life and I am so glad I did. As a person who has never really “taken a side” or had strong feelings about any popular or controversial topic, I have always been terrified to her what people have to say.

What if they say something offensive? What if they say something that I agree with and those who are close and who I love don’t agree with it? What if I say something offensive? There is always “What if’s” running crazy through my brain, so much so that I could never even try to speak up if a conversation did start. 

I have learned something in my 21 years of life and that is, you never grow if you cover yourself with like-minded people. I’ve gained friendships I never thought I would have, and they have blessed me and enlightened me to become a better person. I wanted to make this project about “Learn Something New”, you can’t learn something new if you already had that opinion before. I wanted to create a place where it was safe and welcomed to bring in opinions that showed the YOU behind it even if others may disagree with you. I have always thought that the only thing stopping people from being kind and listening to others is that they don’t see the HUMAN behind each opinion or life. 

Doing this project was so out of my comfort zone and completely out of character but I am glad I did it. I’ve learned so much about topics I’ve never thought about, I’ve learned that a lot of people have the same mindset as me, I’ve learned that people are much deeper and more interesting than anyone could imagine. 

I hope you all get the same feelings I did when listening to these podcasts and I hope it not only inspires you but helps you become the person you want to be. I feel very inspired and excited to learn more about the world and people. Please feel free to subscribe and like this blog if you would like to hear more, I also have a contact option so if you have an opinion, I would love to hear it. Just reach out! 

Thank you so much for your time and I hope you find joy and happiness. 


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